Friday, 12 June 2015

" A lightning bolt from clear sky" changed my life forever - though it was a real lightning strike and the sky was not clear

This is what the lightning looked like according to witnesses. 2 distinct strikes at ones. 

A summer night in the beginning of this millennium my life changed forever. Within a fraction of a second it changed. A huge bang, then nothing. Nothing at all. No light, no fire. Just a very loud sound, pain in my ear and nothing. At 2 o'clock in the morning I had lost my hearing on one ear. I had been struck by lightning.

The night had been colourful and loud. 

I was in bed, windows open, curtains aside looking out a the spectacular light show over the mountains. It really was beautiful. The sky alive with all different colours. A show not seen in these part for more than 80 years. The lights slowly moved further along the valley. The lights became more and more distant.  I became more and more drowsy, lulled to sleep by the distant rumbling. Rain was playing on the roof. It was time to sleep. 

Then an enormous sharp pain in my ear, a noise so loud it was like being in a mega speaker on full force. My room was smoky. I called out. As I jumped out of bed I thought I stepped on glass running to my parents room next door. Had my windows blown in?

And off went the smoke alarm

My mum was half awake, my father sound asleep. Rather groggy he walked out of the room and walked straight into the door of the fusebox that had been blown open. Then a very rough awakening as the smoke detectors started howling. Very annoying when cooking, rather more scary when you don't know the reason.

Everything went so quick

Rain was hammering on the roof and the rumbling continued with occasional flashes. It was unreal running into the living room looking out the windows. Part of the roof was hanging loose toward some trees. The gutters had broken off and was outside the other windows. You can safely say the normally beautiful vista was a little different.

Is the roof on fire?

It was as we stood there realising the roof had lifted I think it dawned on us that the cabin had been struck by lightning. Out we went to check on the rest. Fortunately the lightning had made a hole in the roof big enough for the rain to pour in and stop the burning.

We were in action modus

What to do now? Should we go back to bed or call the fire department? We could at least call and ask what to do in these cases.

I wonder what the fire department were thinking when they got a call saying " oh it seems our cabin has been struck by lighting and we are not sure what you do in these cases? Yes we are in the cabin now. No as far as we can see nothing is burning. You would like to check it out? Now? Ok we'll not go to bed then but meet you at the road barrier."

The reality of what had happened had not totally sunk in

We were still in action mode, my mother doing the dishes as water would go cold, my father taking a new look around and I driving to the road barrier to let the firemen through. Still in activity mode I decided as long as I have to sit there and wait I might as well call the insurance company. The time was probably closer to 3 in the morning by then.

Reality starts to sink in

I call the insurance and told what had happened. The phone went totally silent. "Oh my" I heard on the other end, "you don't know how happy I am to be talking to you. Are you all ok?". I don't think any of us had actually thought about it at all, the possibility that we might not be ok. As I talked to the very friendly man on the other end it slowly started to sink in. I still did not hear anything on my right ear.

You should be very glad no one slept in here

The guys from the fire department came and had a look around. When they came to my room they said ”oh my gosh, so good no one was sleeping in here, they would have been fried to death as it looks like the lightning met itself here”. I kind of went "hrmf I actually was in the room, laying in bed looking at the weather".  I got 4 shocking eye at me before one said very very calmly  ”you have no idea how lucky you are”.

I now know how lucky I was

I was gone for 5-10-15 minutes after the lightning struck. Nothing. I was not walking on glass but small pieces of hard plastic and metal that was left after the sockets had exploded. The lightning had met itself in my room and kaboom. 

Why did I survive? 

Many coincidences; I had my windows open, my bed was made of wood and shaped a little like a sledge protecting my head, I was lying on my left so the injuries came in my right side, no clothes on or jewellery and did not use my disc man for once (which was totally burned out).

I did not see any light, just the loud penetrating sound. /My hearing came back after 5 hours). The injuries have come, and the diagnoses still keep coming. Its been more than 10 years of pride and joy, sorrow and sadness, pain and tears - BUT I'm still alive.

Never in a million years had I thought I would be struck by lightning and survive.
Never did I believe that my life would change so dramatically. We never do do we? Its always something that happens in the movies or to someone else. Never did I believe that I the workaholic loving my job would not be allowed to work any more. I was at the top of my career, on top of the world and just ready to march ahead.

How different my life turned out.

But with the bad comes the good. When one door closes another do open. I've tapped into my more creative side and do what I can when I can.

I am celebrating surviving. I have been very fortunate after all. Yes of course there will always be a sorrow and a grief over all that I can not do any more but I do have a good life. Very different from what I believed it would be but still good. And the most important thing of all:

I'm alive.


  1. I always think of you when we have thunder and lightning storms. I know you make the best of your life and yes, you are alive. And I am also grateful about that.

    1. Thank you, yes you're not the only one lol... We do our best you and I to life a good life with its ups and down but with the knowledge we are alive and make a difference :) And without some headship we would not have met. A meeting and friendship that is very special and appreciated... I'm lucky to have met you :)
